For the Greater Dallas Planning Council board of directors, a Dallas not-for-profit which promotes the Dallas region’s sustainability, Conbrio led a project for board members to generate different business models using a business model canvas. Over several years, Conbrio Managing Principal Bill Bancroft has led many GDPC retreats using a variety of tools and processes. The 50-year old organization is making a leap from being a breakfast-and-speaker group to a more sophisticated organization studying issues in depth surrounding the future of the Dallas region, taking positions, and advocating for those positions. For the GDPC, change is critical to continuing to thrive and stay relevant. Bill used tools including a business model canvas so groups of board members would imagine five different models going forward. The business modeling led to writing a more detailed business plan, reorganizing board activities and adopting a holistic Agenda for Growth for the region. The GDPC is now positioned to begin its effort to raise funds to hire a full-time staff and do in-depth research projects on issues ranging from mobility to poverty.