For St. Philip’s School and Community Center in Dallas, Conbrio led an organizational design project for the organization’s executive director, board chair and staff. As the organization has expanded and begun to focus on capital campaigns and redeveloping parts of the neighborhood boarding St. Philip’s, so has the responsibilities of the executive director. So much so, the executive director found it difficult to juggle all the issues and needs of his executive team. He simply had too many direct reports and too much on his plate. But an alternative path forward was unclear given the organization’s budget and lean staffing. Over several weeks Conbrio worked first with the board chair and executive director and then with the executive team to design a new organizational structure. Using elements of the Entrepreneurial Operating System methodology, Conbrio facilitated decisions to improve its scorecard and pay closer attention to processes. The design allowed for substantial participation by all members of the leadership team which, in turn, led to their accepting and supporting the new design. Conbrio has been a consistent provider of counsel and service to St. Philip’s over the years, leading strategic planning projects and participating in the development of the design thinking-based WeCreation Lab to be available to students and community members.