Bill Bancroft | Managing Principal
Bill Bancroft is Conbrio’s founder and Principal. He has more than 20 years’ experience revealing strategic solutions, working with organizations in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors on change areas including process improvement, strategy, culture, teaming, implementation, and communications. A seasoned graphic facilitator, he has worked with small and large groups using a variety of processes. An advisor and coach, he has worked with individuals on issues, including leadership, competencies, and succession planning.

Mary Stall | Senior Consultant
Mary Stall is a Senior Consultant specializing in graphic recording. Mary draws from a diverse background in organizational effectiveness, management, and education to augment her graphic recording. She also delivers training and development workshops and facilitates process and change management sessions. In her graphic recording, Mary uses colors, words, and images to capture conversations, live, as they are occurring. She holds an M.A. in dispute resolution from Southern Methodist University. She is a certified mediator and a certified executive coach.