For the City of Mesquite, Texas, Conbrio worked with senior leaders to change the city’s development review process and capture the new process on a visual storymap. City Manager Ted Barron, assistant city managers, department heads, planners and engineers involved in the development review process were frustrated and angry because the process was broken. Members of the development community complained loudly to the mayor and council members who brought their complaints to the city manager. The mayor bluntly told Barron to fix the problems. Conbrio worked with a team of 17 senior staff people in several meetings so all involved could understand the current process (it was clear at the beginning of discussions that no one knew what it was), use the current process as a springboard to design a new process, layer in communications approaches and utilize change management process to implement the new process. Conbrio worked with the implementation team over a six-month period as it drew up new forms, planned training, and put the specifics of the roll-out together. As part of communicating the new plan, Conbrio created a storymap explaining the new process. The storymap was widely distributed to the developer community and inside city hall. Conbrio delivered a similar project to the City of Copperas Cove, Texas.