It’s said culture eats strategy for breakfast every day of the week. And that culture is one of three things for which top leaders in organizations are most responsible. The others are strategic direction and succession planning. For KWA Construction, a Dallas-based company specializing in apartment construction, Conbrio Managing Principal Bill Bancroft, certified in a Human Synergistics’ Organizational Culture Inventory and Organizational Effectiveness Inventory, conducted a thorough assessment of the KWA’s culture. Overall, it found the KWA culture to be constructive rather than defensive. At the same time, it found areas where KWA could increase the constructive nature of its culture. At a company retreat, Conbrio designed and led a workshop for company employees to discover specific changes in the way things are done to achieve the changes. The positive return on constructive cultures is well-documented over many studies. Constructive cultures yield stronger revenue growth, higher customer and employee satisfaction, more high-performance teams and higher profits. In the not-for-profit and public sectors, constructive cultures yield better customer service through better service delivery.